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Setting Healthy Boundaries: A Key to Work-Life Balance, Part 2

Hey all! 

In the second part of this little mini series, we'll explore the importance of boundaries and how they can empower you to reclaim control over your time and energy.

Growing up in a family-owned business, the concept of boundaries was foreign to me. Work and personal life were intertwined, and I never questioned the need to separate the two. However, as I grew older, I quickly realized the significance of establishing boundaries for my well-being.

One of the first and simplest boundaries I set was to avoid discussing work after 5 PM and ensure that I wrapped up by that time. I also made a conscious effort to plan personal activities and schedule work around them, rather than the other way around. This was challenging, especially when I lived at home with my parents, because work was always a main topic at all hours, but it taught me the value of prioritizing my personal life.

When my mom got sick in 2019, I became her caregiver, and setting boundaries became even more crucial for my mental health. Initially, I struggled with feeling guilty for setting boundaries, but over time, I learned to schedule dedicated time for homework (as I was pursuing my master's degree), run errands, and prepare meals. After the pandemic subsided, I took a significant step by moving out, recognizing the need for a private space where I could end my day in peace.

Respecting the boundaries I had set was difficult, not only for those around me but also for myself. It has taken years of practice, and even now, I occasionally struggle with feeling guilty for prioritizing my needs. However, I've found immense guidance in Melissa Urban's book, "The Book of Boundaries," which has helped me better understand, set, and respect boundaries within myself.

Setting boundaries is a continuous journey, but one that is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By establishing clear limits and prioritizing self-care, we can prevent burnout, nurture our personal relationships, and ultimately lead more fulfilling lives.

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