Hey all!
How often are you guys feeling overwhelmed with everything you have to do? I have so much I have to do, between my full time job, my part time work with the family business, my own business, and being a caregiver. It is quite often that I feel overwhelmed, and when I feel overwhelmed a lot of times I procrastinate or just completely avoid my work. So I created some boundaries to keep myself on track when I want to avoid my work. One thing I do sometimes is say “okay it's time to do 10 to 15 minutes of work and then I'll take a break,” I usually say it out loud and sometimes to my cats just for that extra accountability 😂. I make it a point to respect that for myself because I know when I'm getting overwhelmed just by looking at what I have to do on the computer or around me so I know setting a time frame like this could be considered a boundary or it could be considered a schedule or routine or time limit kind of thing, but for me I call it a boundary because it helps me respect what I set for myself better.